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Glory Lasts Forever

January 12, 2016

Hi All,

We lost David Bowie. And I never even knew he was ill. Just arrived at work for a nightshift and had the news broken to me. And I went from being happy to down in a heartbeat.

I saw the Glass Spider tour many years ago, and if I’m being totally honest about it, it didn’t do that much for me.

I missed his older music. I didn’t know quite how much. At least not until today. So much of it formed a soundscape to my younger days, and I grieve for that loss.

Heroes is probably my favorite track of his and it featured in the movie The Replacements. I heard an anecdote about the song some time ago, particularly how they managed to create such a unusual sound.  Go read.

While the movie version didn’t have Bowie singing, it did have some lovely sentiments in the voiceover from Gene Hackman (skip to 3:30).

We all of us deserve  a second chance, and we all have moments where there is just a locker to be cleared out at the end of the day. But we also live for those moments of greatness, no matter how brief.

For Mr David Bowie. Who never seemed to be scared to be different in a time when you were expected to conform. Who, by having the unmitigated gall to just be himself, helped change the world into something new and wondrous, and full of possibility.

Thank you.


Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever.

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  1. -K- permalink

    So say we all.

    Never was a major Bowie fan but the man had some crazy talent, knew what he was about and wasn’t afraid to be himself. I respect the hell out of that.

    To me he will always be Jareth.

  2. First Lemmy, now Bowie. Like -K-, I was never a major fan, but both left their mark. And I hope their legacy is going to live on.

  3. And now Alan RIckman. Bloody hell. 😦

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